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Site Admin
Posts: 12
Joined: Sun Apr 05, 2020 7:16 pm
Full Name: WebMO Forum Administrator
Organization: WebMO LLC


Post by webmo »

The WebMO Support Forum is a public discussion board for asking questions, reporting bugs, requesting new features, and sharing your experience with WebMO to the broader community. The Forum is supported by the WebMO creators and the WebMO userbase.

To read or search the Forum, registration and login is not required. All topics and posts are publicly accessible.

To post on the Forum, one must 1) register for an account, and 2) login with your Forum username and password. These are entirely separate from your WebMO license number and download password!

The registration process involves:
  • Completing an online registration form
  • Activating your registration via the link sent to your email account
Your account will be immediately active.

However, your first post must be approved by a forum administrator before it appears, after which your posts will appear immediately without administrative approval.
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