WebMO Help - Video Tutorials


What is WebMO? (3:55) - Purpose, capabilities, installation options, and advantages of using WebMO for computational chemistry calculations in teaching and research

WebMO Quick Tour (2:10) - Workflow to setup, submit, and view computational chemistry calculations using WebMO

Common Tasks

WebMO 3-D Editor (4:43) - Build molecules using WebMO's integrated 3‑D editor; draw the backbone and WebMO will add hydrogens and clean up the geometry

WebMO Line Structure Editor (1:33) - Use organic chemistry line structures to build molecules for WebMO calculations

WebMO Job Options (2:35) - Specify the job type, calculation details, and additional options for WebMO computational chemistry calculations

WebMO Result Visualization (3:14) - View the results of your computational chemistry jobs in formatted tables, 3‑D images, and interactive plots

WebMO Structure Lookup (1:29) - Lookup structures for use in WebMO calculations or properties from external databases

WebMO Job Manager (3:20) - Monitor, access, organize, and download the computational chemistry jobs you have run on your WebMO server

Advanced Topics

WebMO Input and Output File Access (2:02) - For full control and accessibility, edit input files and view output files of your WebMO computational chemistry calculations

WebMO Administration Overview (3:50) - Broad overview of the WebMO administration interface and capabilities, including adding users and enabling computational programs

WebMO YouTube Channel

Additional video tutorials may be found on the WebMO YouTube channel.