WebMO Help - Configuration Files


globals.int is the main configuration file for a WebMO installation. Most of the settings within globals.int are controlled through the Administration Managers.

Some entries in globals.int would be changed only in exceptional circumstances and must be changed in a terminal session. These include:

Other entries in globals.int are used to invoke special features. They must be created in a terminal session and set equal to "1". These include:

Finally, there are many entries within gloabls.int that specify the location of various system commands, e.g., cat, cp, curl, kill, mkdir, perl, ps, rm, ssh, unzip, wget, zip, etc.

Locating globals.int

The lopcations of globals.int can be found by logging in as the WebMO adminitrsator and clicking on Version Manager.

globals.int Location

Alternatively, from a terminal session, one can search for the file:
$ find /home/webmo -name globals.int

Other Configuration Files

Other WebMO configuration files include:

Note that there are separate copies of the {engine}.* int files for each local, remote, or batch queue server. These are found in:
        {cgiBase}/interfaces - Local server
        {cgiBase}/servers - Remote servers
        {cgiBase}/queues - External batch queue servers