WebMO Demo Server
The WebMO Demo Server is now up and running!
Login information
You may login to the WebMO Demo Server using the following guest credentials:
- Username: guest
- Password: guest
Job Time Limit: Since the WebMO Demo Server is a shared resource, jobs are limited to 30 sec of CPU time.
The following instructions will build the formaldehyde molecule, optimize its geometry, and display the results:
- Log in to the WebMO Demo Server as Username="guest" and Password="guest" (no quotes)
- In the WebMO Job Manager page, click New Job: Create New Job to display the Build Molecule page
- On the Build Molecule page and in the WebMO Editor:
- Note the status line ("Build - C ..."); click in the middle of the editor window to insert a carbon atom
- In the menu, choose Build: O to make oxygen active; note the status line
- Click on the C atom, drag, and let up the mouse button to insert a bond to an oxygen atom
- Drag between C and O again to change the single bond to a double bond
- In the menu, choose Clean-Up: Comprehensive Idealized; note that hydrogens are added, bond lengths are approximated, and bond angles are idealized (WebMO knows organic chemistry!)
- In the bottom right corner of the Build Molecule page, click the Continue arrow
- On the Choose Computational Engine page, click Mopac, and then click the Continue arrow
- On the Configure Mopac Job Options page:
- Select Calculation: Geometry Optimization
- Click the Continue arrow to submit your job; note that your job appears on the WebMO Job Manager page
- On the WebMO Job Manager page, wait until the job Status reads Complete; optionally click Refresh to update the page
- Click the job title "CH2O" to arrive at the View Job page; scroll down to look at your Calculated Quantities; in particular:
- Note the computed Symmetry (C2V), PM6 Heat of Formation (-20.698 kcal/mol), and Dipole Moment (2.977 Debye)
- Note the computed C=O bond order (1.923) and C-H bond order (0.942)
- Click the Partial Charge View icon (magnifying glass)
- In the WebMO Viewer, click the adjust/select arrow and then click O, C, and H; look at the status line to view the computed O-C-H bond angle
- To the left of the WebMO Viewer, click the Raw Output link to see what Mopac actually calculated