WebMO Demo Server


The WebMO Demo Server is now up and running!


Login information

Formaldehyde HOMO
Formaldehyde HOMO

You may login to the WebMO Demo Server using the following guest credentials:

Job Time Limit: Since the WebMO Demo Server is a shared resource, jobs are limited to 30 sec of CPU time.


The following instructions will build the formaldehyde molecule, optimize its geometry, and display the results:

  1. Log in to the WebMO Demo Server as Username="guest" and Password="guest" (no quotes)
  2. In the WebMO Job Manager page, click New Job: Create New Job to display the Build Molecule page
  3. On the Build Molecule page and in the WebMO Editor:
    • Note the status line ("Build - C ..."); click in the middle of the editor window to insert a carbon atom
    • In the menu, choose Build: O to make oxygen active; note the status line
    • Click on the C atom, drag, and let up the mouse button to insert a bond to an oxygen atom
    • Drag between C and O again to change the single bond to a double bond
    • In the menu, choose Clean-Up: Comprehensive Idealized; note that hydrogens are added, bond lengths are approximated, and bond angles are idealized (WebMO knows organic chemistry!)
  4. In the bottom right corner of the Build Molecule page, click the Continue arrow
  5. On the Choose Computational Engine page, click Mopac, and then click the Continue arrow
  6. On the Configure Mopac Job Options page:
    • Select Calculation: Geometry Optimization
    • Click the Continue arrow to submit your job; note that your job appears on the WebMO Job Manager page
  7. On the WebMO Job Manager page, wait until the job Status reads Complete; optionally click Refresh to update the page
  8. Click the job title "CH2O" to arrive at the View Job page; scroll down to look at your Calculated Quantities; in particular:
    • Note the computed Symmetry (C2V), PM6 Heat of Formation (-20.698 kcal/mol), and Dipole Moment (2.977 Debye)
    • Note the computed C=O bond order (1.923) and C-H bond order (0.942)
    • Click the Partial Charge View icon (magnifying glass)
    • In the WebMO Viewer, click the adjust/select arrow and then click O, C, and H; look at the status line to view the computed O-C-H bond angle
    • To the left of the WebMO Viewer, click the Raw Output link to see what Mopac actually calculated